Monday 28 March 2011

Earth hour start in Australia 2007, its organized by by WWF. A lot of big countries turn of the lights for one hour. The most important landmarks that turned off Sydney Harbour Bridge, Golden Gate Bridge San Francisco, Rome's Colosseum, CN Tower Torronto.
I would like by the way to thank the TAFE and Students Assossciation for the informations about Earth Hour.
At 8;30pm last Saturday I turned off all lights and Iwill do it every year because how much benefits it provides to the earth let us work all together to help our earth

Sunday 20 March 2011

21 of March

Did you that 21 of March its not just the Harmony Day. Some countries used to celebrate Mothers Day on these day. My country Lebanon is one of those countries. I think Mothers Day is day that we have to thank our Mums for that efforts they do to care about us and they work hard to achieve a good future for us. She is working to make her child the best all over the world.
I want to say Happy Mothers Day to every MUM and especially my gorgeous mum. I love u mumy.

Harmony Day

Since 1999 the Department of Immigration and Citizenship managed the 21 of March as a Harmony Day. This day gives the  people opportunity to celebrate together what makes all Australian Unique. The Harmony Day is time to live together as Austaralian regardless our different back grounds, to live as a part of this country and work as one hand to make this country better. Harmony Day has a key message which is "every one belong" lets work together to achieve this message.

Sunday 13 March 2011

My Weekend

Hello everyone how are today. I am not able to be with you all this week, as you know I had an accident last week and I have to stay in bed for ten days at least. I hope you all enjoyed your weekend with your familys and friends. I spent all weekend in bed & in pain. I hope I'll be better next week and be with you at class.

Sunday 6 March 2011

Luisa’s Talk

Luisa and three others are TAFE counsellors. They have to be registered psychologists. The counsellors can provide counselling and career services for TAFE and prospective students.
The services they can provide are educational pathways, career options, qualifications and disability consultants (they can provide assistance for those students who are disabled).
In addition, they can provide assistance to those who have personal or financial problems.
If the counsellors can’t help the student they can link them to government assistance and put them on the right path to solve the problem.
They also can provide an advice about going to university and articulating from TAFE to university.
If someone has a problem he/she should make an appointment by going to Building A or by phoning to see a counsellor to solve the problem.

Clean Up Australia Day

Clean Up Australia is a non profit organisation started in 1989 by Ian Kiernan.
On the first Sunday of March this organisation works in teams to clean up Australia.
In fact I didn't have any idea about this day but from now on I will be a member of this association.It's not the responsibilty of just one person, we should work together to keep the place where we live clean.