Sunday 5 June 2011


Posture is the position of the body while you are sitting or walking. Good posture can keep your spine healthy and it will not cause a back serious problem. One of the most important reasons for bad posture is slouching this is means bending or hanging your back downward while you  are walking or sitting.
Nowadays, the posture of some children is getting worse and the main reason is modern technology. Children are spending more than half the day sitting down next to the television, computers, internet or phones. They have no time for any good activities like sport. The technology has made our children lazy.
Children should learn how to get a good posture and how to minimize their back problems in the future. The best way is to limit the amount of time that the children spend hunched over a keyboard and be active as often as they can.

Sunday 15 May 2011

Phoebe and the Smoke detector

It's always so annoying to wake up at midnight because of a loud noise! Phoebe faced this problem when she wokeup with the smoke alarm beeping.She tried to turn it off but she couldn't. She disconnected it but it never stopped.Shw rolled it in a blanket and threw it in a rubbish chute.
After a while she heared a beeping sound coming from outside the door. She was surprised,  and she said "how did you come back". She opened the door when she heared a man's voice. She saw a fireman there he had brought back the smoke alarm.
She asked him how to stop the alarm from beeping and he told her there was a restart button. When he left she pressed the restart button many times after she found it under the table but the smoke alarm was wrecked.
This video shows that she never checked the smoke detector and she didn't care about it.But infact the smoke detector is so important as it may stop a big fire from happening. If there is any damage to a smoke detector you may not know there is a fire unless it becomes big and uncontrollable.

The Health Expo 2011

Last Thursday, a Health Expo  held at TAFE. It was a new experience for me and also it was good and intrested . A lot of associations and foundations were there to give us an information about there  services or products.
One of these foundations was Asthma Foundation, its a foundation that can help asthma patients how to communicate with there doctors? What kind of questions they should ask the doctors? The tests that can help to detect the disease. This foundation was important to me because I am an asthma patient and its important to me to know every thing about my disease.
Some of the other foundations and associations were Isagenix, Baton Twirling, Jeremia and others.
I had a little trip over the expo and I sold a raffell ticket with Kathy we had fun, also Andrew did.

Other students sold food that they made.It was useful and funny at the same time we enjoyed it.

Sunday 1 May 2011

The Mothers Day

Sunday the 8th of May is the Mothers Day. I would like to say happy mothers day to every mum all around the world especially my lovely MUM.

The Easter Holidays

After a long time of studying and working it was the time to have a break .It was the Easter Holiday.
Actually my holiday was lovely, I spent it with my husband and his family. The first week was shopping and shopping because winter was coming and I had to prepare everything and also I had to prepare the holiday stuff. I love shopping.
On the morning of Thursday 21 of April  my husband, his family and I went to Lake Macquarie.I couldn't imagine that a one hour and 20 minutes trip could take two hours and 20 minutes! We were stuck in traffic, because a lot of people were going away to enjoy the holiday.
Finally we arrived to Umina Beach resort . It was full of intertainment Gym, pool, kids club, parks and because it was Easter time they had carnivals and activities everyday .
On Friday my husband and I went for an ocean trip by boat.It was marvellous and  Lion island was stunning. Saturday was raining. It was bad luck we weren't able to spend the day at the beach as we planned but it was good to relax and watch the rain drop over the trees. I really enjoyed that. Later that day  we went to the Easter carnival. All the children did sand painting.It wasn't just the children but also the mums and dads. It was fun.
At midnight, we all decided to go home because it would be better than the early morning to avoid the traffic.
Sunday was my friend's engagement party. I spent all day preparing myself for the lovely night .We had a nice time dancing, eating and  having fun.
Monday and Tuesday was  relaxing at home and preparing to be back to TAFE and work.I also did a bit of shopping.
I hope you all enjoyed your holiday and had a great time with your friends and family. I can say that my holiday was great because I like  spending time with family. Happy Easter.

Sunday 3 April 2011

How to increase Vitamin D

Vitamin D is very important, it maintains bone density, helps to manage weight, improves heart health and improves the immune system.
There is a lot of ways to increase vitamin D level without hurting our bodies.
The sun is the most important source of vitamin D, but spending a long time under sun may cause skin cancer. To avoid cancer, we should spend 15-20 minutes with sunscreen.
Also fish is a good source of vitamin D .We can find it in salmon, tuna and sardines. Its good to have fish  twice a week.
The other foods that provide vitamin D are eggs, mushrooms and milk.Also the cod liver oil is a good source of vitamin D and its available as capsules.
Every woman should make sure to take enough vitamin D to be healthy.

Monday 28 March 2011

Earth hour start in Australia 2007, its organized by by WWF. A lot of big countries turn of the lights for one hour. The most important landmarks that turned off Sydney Harbour Bridge, Golden Gate Bridge San Francisco, Rome's Colosseum, CN Tower Torronto.
I would like by the way to thank the TAFE and Students Assossciation for the informations about Earth Hour.
At 8;30pm last Saturday I turned off all lights and Iwill do it every year because how much benefits it provides to the earth let us work all together to help our earth

Sunday 20 March 2011

21 of March

Did you that 21 of March its not just the Harmony Day. Some countries used to celebrate Mothers Day on these day. My country Lebanon is one of those countries. I think Mothers Day is day that we have to thank our Mums for that efforts they do to care about us and they work hard to achieve a good future for us. She is working to make her child the best all over the world.
I want to say Happy Mothers Day to every MUM and especially my gorgeous mum. I love u mumy.

Harmony Day

Since 1999 the Department of Immigration and Citizenship managed the 21 of March as a Harmony Day. This day gives the  people opportunity to celebrate together what makes all Australian Unique. The Harmony Day is time to live together as Austaralian regardless our different back grounds, to live as a part of this country and work as one hand to make this country better. Harmony Day has a key message which is "every one belong" lets work together to achieve this message.

Sunday 13 March 2011

My Weekend

Hello everyone how are today. I am not able to be with you all this week, as you know I had an accident last week and I have to stay in bed for ten days at least. I hope you all enjoyed your weekend with your familys and friends. I spent all weekend in bed & in pain. I hope I'll be better next week and be with you at class.

Sunday 6 March 2011

Luisa’s Talk

Luisa and three others are TAFE counsellors. They have to be registered psychologists. The counsellors can provide counselling and career services for TAFE and prospective students.
The services they can provide are educational pathways, career options, qualifications and disability consultants (they can provide assistance for those students who are disabled).
In addition, they can provide assistance to those who have personal or financial problems.
If the counsellors can’t help the student they can link them to government assistance and put them on the right path to solve the problem.
They also can provide an advice about going to university and articulating from TAFE to university.
If someone has a problem he/she should make an appointment by going to Building A or by phoning to see a counsellor to solve the problem.

Clean Up Australia Day

Clean Up Australia is a non profit organisation started in 1989 by Ian Kiernan.
On the first Sunday of March this organisation works in teams to clean up Australia.
In fact I didn't have any idea about this day but from now on I will be a member of this association.It's not the responsibilty of just one person, we should work together to keep the place where we live clean.

Monday 21 February 2011



I am Taghreed Faraj from Lebanon . I've been in Australia for 19 months . I was married on 8th of july 2009. I am living at Brighton -Le-Sands with my husband . I am attending to AMEP course to improve my english and then I will attend  pathology  courses .
To  my friends of this semester nice to meet you all and I hope we enjoy that course together with Andrew and Marion .


This Taghi. I am lebanese and my town is BaalBeck.
It's located in Beqaa Valley, the name is made up of two words Baal and beck which is mean Baal the lord of Beqaa , and it was called Heliopolis which is the city of the sun .
BaalBeck has a one of the greatest and largest Roman temples and it has three Gods worshiped Jupiter, Venus and Bacchus.
BaalBeck now is one of the most important touristic places on Lebanon, and every year a thousands of people from all over the world flocked to attend annual international festivels .

I love my town and I am proud to be from there. I hope all my freinds have time to have a look of the link and get more information about my lovely town.


Sunday 20 February 2011

Library Assessments

One of the students rights at the college is the library. Any student or staff can use library and the only thing he have to do just show the ID student or staff card, which is a library card at the same time.
Everyone can borrow 10 items daily , 6 printed items( books, magazines, news papers) and 4 audio- visual items (CD, video ,casettes..). The printed items we can borrow it for 2 weeks while the Audio- visual for 1 week. If we want to have the item for longer time we can renew it by person (student attend the library and renew the item) ,by phone,or online.We can renew each item twice .
The library provide a catalouge service which can help us to make a search at home or at the library online to know where this book located and if its available or not.
The student have to return the item on the due time but if we want to return it after hours we can put it on the chute.
The library opening hours is 8;45 am till 8;00 pm from monday to thursday and till 6 pm on friday.
Also the library provide a printer and photocopier to the students and its easy to use the only thing we have to do first is put money on ID card. The black copy cost 20 cents and the color copy cost 1 $ and if the student is a member of students association will have 50% off.
The other library services are group study rooms,computers, past exam papers and internet.
We can use any TAFE library by our ID card .